melanconia The repetition of female faces with melancholy in their eyes. These women want to tell a story that interests me. The woman as a subject, the aesthetics of the feminine, the ideal of feminism and the idea that I find in their faces with reality, melancholy and beauty, I find in their faces, in their dresses or hats, something that represents me, I use the self-portrait faces where I expose myself freely through a mask, the woman or the feminine makes me feel free. Melancholy is a starting stage, a state in which these characters find themselves, and they sink into a great despondency and loss of interest in sentimental/mundane matters.The reality of the world passes through them and leaves them paralysed.The null that summons us. Questo Parquet non brucia / acrilico on canvas 160×120 cm 2017 Tre donne e nessun matrimonio / Acrilico on canvas – 80×120 cm 2017 Golden heart trilogy or Do you remember the last time / acrilic on canvas – 200 x 130 cm. 2017 los recuerdos nos configuran / oil on canvas 65×95 cm 2017 Guarda fuori della finestra / oil on canvas 65 x 90 cm 2017 Innocents / oil on canvas 65 x 90 cm . 2017 Il mio proprio cuore / oil on canvas 65 x 90 cm 2017 Jesie, dosen’t take a plane / oil on canvas 65 x 90 cm 2017 Il pensiero della bambola – oil on canvas 60×90 cm 2017 Visioner -oil on canvas – 65 x 90 cm 2017